髙橋 宗慶
Sensei (Chado Master)
髙橋宗慶 obtained the certification for the Japanese Flower Arrangement「生け花 」(Ikebana) at a very young age. And while running a well-known dermatological/cosmeceutical clinic with her late husband, who is a founder of the Japanese Minoxidil (カロヤン ハイ Karoyan - Hi by Daiichi Seiyaku) and the developer of quite a few neurological medications, 高橋 宗慶 started her journey to embrace the most beautiful Japanese traditional culture 茶道 (Chado/Sado).
After years of studying Chado under one of the most respected Chado Urasenke (裏千家) Tea Master, 高橋 宗慶received not only a certification of a Tea Master, but she became a certified Associate Professor of Chado Urasenke.
高橋 宗慶 decided to move from Seijyou Gakuen (Tokyo) Japan to the US after the 311 Tsunami to spread Peace and Tranquility to the people of the west.
Event History Soho Club (Malibu, CA), JACCC (LA, CA), Hanadokicon (SD, CA), Anime Los Angeles (Ontario, CA), Anime California (Anaheim, CA), Anime Conji (SD, CA), Ronin Expo (LA, CA), …and various private events.
Lessons, Events, RSVP, Rates and complete details, please contact us.